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Future students

Cooperative education, also known as "co-op education", is a unique approach to learning that combines classroom instruction with practical work experience. In a co-op program, students alternate between academic semesters and paid work terms, allowing them to apply what they learn in the classroom to real-world situations. This hands-on approach to education is particularly valuable because it helps students develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their chosen field, while also providing them with valuable work experience and professional connections.

These programs typically last for four or five years, and they require students to complete three work terms in order to graduate with recognition of the experience on a student’s transcript. During work terms, students are employed by companies or organizations in their chosen field, where they are given meaningful work assignments and opportunities to learn from experienced professionals. This combination of academic study and practical work experience will help students build a strong foundation for their future careers, and will help participating students make valuable connections in industry.

Why apply to Ontario Tech Co-op

  • Ontario Tech’s innovative model of learning combines world-class academics with real-world experience, providing our students the opportunity to see first-hand how the knowledge they gain in the classroom is being used every day in the field. 
  • Co-op education at Ontario Tech provides students with opportunities to network and establish contacts within their chosen industry and we have thousands of employer partners.
  • Ontario Tech’s mandatory, one-semester pre-employment training course prepares you for the job search and work terms and will help you make informed career decisions in your chosen field.
  • Co-op Coordinators and Career Advisors offer disciplinary specific competencies and job search training for undergraduate students participating in co-op programs. Each training session teaches critical skills and approaches for conducting a successful co-op or full-time job search.
  • Our co-op positions are full-time, paid employment opportunities providing students with financial support through paid work terms.
  • A Co-op Co-ordinator and our Career Centre resources will assist you during the employment process and throughout each of your co-op work term experiences.
  • You will apply to co-op positions on our proprietary job posting board.
  • Our co-op programs offer great flexibility and you can complete three to five work terms throughout your degree (depending on your academic program).
  • Our employers are located Ontario, across Canada and even globally.
  • Ontario Tech’s proximity to public transit makes employment locations easy to access.
Academic programs with co-op

Academic programs with co-op

List of academic programs offering co-op education.
How it works

How it works

Learn more about how co-op education works, including admission requirements, fees, and your possible term sequence.
Sample co-op jobs and employers

Sample co-op jobs and employers

Get to know some of our industry partners and view a sampling of the co-op jobs and employers available to you through the co-op program.