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EDI recruitment support

Co-op and Experiential Learning serves as a promising route for post-secondary students to secure meaningful employment, while also providing employers with access to the skilled and talented workforce they require. Despite its advantages, many students are still marginalized and unable to benefit from work integrated learning opportunities. By extending more opportunities to students from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds and furnishing them with comprehensive skills and experiences, employers can play a pivotal role in promoting equitable opportunities and in turn, bolstering talent pipelines and organizational growth.

To foster an inclusive and student-focused engagement, it is recommended to establish partnerships with the Ontario Tech Co-op Education and Experiential Learning Office and forge relationships with unconventional on-the-ground partners, such as student unions and associations, campus resource centers, and national and local organizations that prioritize equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Co-op and Experiential Learning Coordinators can offer support to employers in their quest to promote accessibility and equity for all students. The aim of inclusive engagement is not only to raise awareness among students from diverse and marginalized groups but to also inspire them to envision themselves as part of your organization.