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Experiential and work integrated learning (2019-2022)

Ontario Tech University has a long history of offering experiential and work-integrated learning to its students. These activities enrich student learning while preparing them for their future careers. For the organizations who hire them, it is a valuable and effective way to access the fresh thinking, skills and capabilities that students offer while also building a network of future employees.

Experiential learning includes:

  • Paid co-ops and internships (4-16 month)
  • Practicum and clinical placements
  • Capstone projects
  • Industry or community agency-sponsored research projects
  • Teaching and research assistantships
  • Entrepreneurship programs
  • International placements
  • Work-study opportunities

Between 2019-2022, over 8400 students participated in experiential learning opportunities with over 1000 organizations across a variety of dynamic sectors—healthcare, manufacturing, information technology, energy, education, professional and technical services and public administration.

Ontario Tech University—opening doors for students:

  •   Ontario Tech students secure jobs within two years of graduation
  •   Graduates share that the skills developed while at Ontario Tech were closely related to their employment
  •   As a result, Ontario Tech graduates report that their program of study was related to their employment

Academic programs with experiential learning opportunities:

This table highlights the experiential learning opportunities available by program.
  • Forensic Science
  • Thesis research project
  • Directed studies project
  • Mock crime scene practicum
  • All programs
  • Paid co-ops and internships
  • Industry or community agency-sponsored research projects
  • Teaching and research assistantships
  • Entrepreneurship programs
  • International placements
  • Work-study opportunities
Students engaged in work integrated learning

Select partners

  • Amazon
  • Apotex
  • Bank of Montreal
  • Canada Revenue Agency
  • Canadian Imperial Bank fo Commerce (CIBC0
  • Celestica
  • CGI
  • City of Brampton
  • Electronic Arts
  • IBM Canada
  • Kinectrics
  • Magna Closures
  • MPAC
  • New Brunswick Power
  • Ontario Power Generation
  • Ontario Public Service
  • Royal Bank of Canada
  • Sanofi Pasteur
  • TD Canada Trust
  • Terrestrial Energy
  • The Commonwell Mutual Insurance Group
  • Toronto Hydro

Did you know?

  •  Experiential learning plays an essential role in mapping out your career pathways and/or graduate school opportunities.
  • Learn more ›