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How it works

Co-op programs at Ontario Tech offer students an opportunity to integrate academic study with practical experiences in various fields and explore different career options. Employers prefer to hire students, grads and alumni with experience and co-op can be the key that helps prepare students for their dream job and career. Students will receive co-operative education recognition on their diploma or degree if they successfully complete all of the required work terms for their program. Employers throughout Canada and around the world are recognizing the added value a graduate from a co-op program can bring to an organization. They are looking for graduates with that co-op recognition!

Most students enter Ontario Tech co-op programs from high school with a limited number of co-op spots being made available to upper level students and students transferring from other institutions. Once admitted to a co-op option of a degree program, students alternate between semesters of taking academic coursework and embarking on co-op work terms. Co-op students complete all of the course work required for their respective degree programs and are also required to complete a minimum of three work-terms in order to receive their co-op designation. The sequence of alternating academic and co-op work terms are program specific; check the co-op program information on your faculty's website.

Sample academic and co-op work term sequence

Sample academic and co-op work term sequence

View a sample academic and co-op work term sequence.
Co-op education fees

Co-op education fees

View the co-op fee assessment schedule.
Important dates

Important dates

Make note of these important dates, including recruitment timelines.